April 29, 1959 Joint Powers Agreement (JPA) (Term: April 29, 1959 - April 28, 1976)
The City of Glendale opened the Scholl Canyon Landfill as a regional resource. From the opening of the landfill in 1961, and up to the waste shed area restriction in 1987, the City of Los Angeles was an active user of the Scholl Canyon Landfill and accounted for a significant amount of refuse that was deposited at the facility. As the City of Los Angeles had multiple options for utilizing landfills in their own city, they were not included as part of the waste shed area.
November 28, 1961 – Memorandum of Amendment of JPA (Term: April 29, 1959–November 27, 1978)
April 1, 1966 – Agreement of Amendment of Joint Powers Agreement Scholl Canyon (Term: April 29, 1959 –November 27, 1978)
April 14, 1970- Supplemental Joint Powers Agreement – Scholl Canyon (Term: April 29, 1959–November 27, 1978)
April 18, 1978 -Third Agreement of Amendment Joint Powers Agreement – Scholl Canyon (Term: April 29, 1959–November 27, 1978
November 30, 1978 - Fifth Agreement of Amendment Joint Powers Agreement – Scholl Canyon re: extend the term (Term: April 29, 1959-March 1, 1979)
March 1, 1979 – Joint Powers Agreement (This is a new Agreement -- all prior agreements were expressly terminated)(Term: March 1, 1979 - approximately February 29, 1984 based on estimated tonnage disposed, not based on a time frame per se)
Agreement Term defined as from effective date (March 1, 1079, until 10 million tons of refuse are disposed of on the premises (estimated to be about 15 years additional capacity). Termination Notice: Six months prior notice of reaching 10 million tons and agreement to negotiate an extension in good faith unless City determines it is not in City’s interest. Section 3 states, “Having in mind the extended capacity included in the Use Variance granted by the City, the parties agree that, prior to the expiration of the term hereof, they shall negotiate in good faith for an extension of the term hereof; provided, however, that the City shall not be required to negotiate nor extend this Agreement in the event that City determines such negotiations and/or extensions are not in the City’s interest.”
In 1987, the City of Glendale implemented defined waste shed area that limited the surrounding cities which could utilize the Scholl Canyon Landfill. The purpose was to provide access to those agencies which did not have a landfill within their own jurisdiction.
July 1, 1989 Joint Powers Agreement Scholl Canyon (Term: July 1, 1989 – Perpetual 5 year periods unless terminated by the City)
(Recorded August 23, 1989, Instrument No. 89-1353552, in the LA County Recorder’s Office)(Term: July 1, 1989 (Effective Date), and for a period of 5 years (June 30, 1994)). This Agreement provided that if the City did not give notice to terminate on or before May 1, 1994, then the Agreement would be extended for an additional 5 years (June 30, 1999). If so extended, and the City took no action to terminate by May 1st of each succeeding five year anniversary of the Effective Date, then the Agreement would be extended in 5 year intervals until such action is taken by the City; it being the intent of the parties that termination may be effectuated only at the conclusion of each 5 year interval.
In July 1994, a private firm associated with a Public/ Private partnership deal administered by Public Works completed a 5-mile pipeline that transports methane gas produced at Scholl Canyon landfill to power the steam boilers at the Grayson Power Plant.
October 7, 1997-October 6, 2003 Joint Powers Agreement – Scholl Canyon
This agreement provided for an initial 5 year term commencing on October 7, 1997 (Effective Date), and ending on October 6, 2008, unless the City gives written notice on or before 60 days’ prior to the expiration. ). Thereafter the Agreement would continue for 5 year intervals unless the City gives 60 days’ prior notice of termination. The last 5 year interval commenced on October 7, 2013, and continues until October 6, 2018 unless the City gives the notice of termination.
February – Glendale formally requests landfill expansion planning.
July – Districts submit Expansion Proposal report to Glendale.
May – Glendale revives request to move on Expansion EIR project.
August – Districts and City staff make a landfill expansion presentation to the City Council.
October – Districts estimate cost to prepare EIR at $750,000 ($500K for consultant, $250K for Districts time). Letter sent to Glendale stating that $750,000 will be needed for EIR process, including developing landfill designs. Letter states that EIR costs can increase if additional alternatives are analyzed. Letter also states regulatory approvals and technical permitting process not in the scope of $750,000 estimate.
November – Glendale City Council appropriates $750,000 to fund Landfill Expansion Study/EIR.
March to July – RFP/Consultant Selection process conducted by Districts and Glendale.
July – Districts issue P.O. to consultant for $547,000.
December – Notice of Preparation (NOP) issued.
- Districts inform Glendale of the Districts Management's direction to develop larger “build-out” alternatives that would require new drainage to the north (and likely a tunnel through the ridgeline).
- NOP agency scoping meeting.
April – Districts provide Glendale “build-out” landfill design for review.
August – Districts provide Glendale cost estimate to include build-out alternative in EIR. Increased total EIR cost from approximately $750K to $1.2M. Districts requested approval to add build-out alternative to EIR scope. Glendale also informed of the additional money spent developing the build-out alternative.
October – At quarterly JPA meeting, Districts again request approval from Glendale to add build-out alternative to EIR scope and negotiate for change in scope with EIR consultant.
January – Districts officially freeze consultant’s work.
July – Glendale sends letter to Districts formally requesting restart of EIR with original scope and cost, no build-out option.
August – Glendale, Districts and consultants hold project re-start meeting.
September – Memo from consultant to Districts re: scope of work revision.
November – Districts send letter to Glendale formally updating the City on progress made in regards to the project restart request, and asking for City’s approval for the additional funding.
December – Districts received Admin. Draft from consultant.
- Districts submitted electronic copy of Admin. Draft to Glendale.
Glendale, Districts and consultants review and update administrative drafts of the proposed EIR in preparation of Draft EIR release for public comment.
April – The Draft EIR was released for a 45-day public review period, which commenced on April 1, 2014 and ended on May 15, 2014; however, to give interested individuals more time to review the Draft EIR and provide comments, the City extended the public comment period three separate times for an additional 106 total days (to August 29, 2014). Extension notices were mailed out and posted to the City’s website. The notices extending the public comment period were mailed out to interested individuals, federal, state and local agencies, and residents/residential property owners in the vicinity of the project site (500-foot radius). All three extension notices were published in the Glendale News-Press and Pasadena Star News, and were also posted at the County Clerk Recorders Office and at the SCH prior to each identified end dates (May 15, 2014, May 30, 2014, and July 31, 2014, respectively).
The City also held two public meetings during the public comment period, one in the City of Glendale and one in Eagle Rock. The public meeting in the City of Glendale was held on May 19, 2014, from 6:30 P.M. to 8:00 P.M., at the Joe Bridges Clubhouse located at 2531 E. Glenoaks Boulevard, Glendale, CA 91206. The public meeting in Eagle Rock was held on July 31, 2014 from 6:30 P.M. to 8:00 P.M., at the Eagle Rock Recreation Center located at 1100 Eagle Vista Drive, Los Angeles, CA 90041. During these public meetings, the public was provided with an overview of the Draft EIR (all potential impact categories were discussed). At the end of the presentation, members of the public were asked to provide their comments on Draft EIR in writing.
September 15th – Scholl Canyon Solar Panel Installation Feasibility Study Approved 5-0 By Council.
October 20th – Scholl Canyon Landfill Work Boot Meeting - Watch Here .
May - RFP for Power Island and Major Equipment Formally Issued.
July 19th – City Council approves ENA with Waste Resources, Inc.and OWS, Inc. For Development of Integrated Resources Recovery and Energy Conversion Facility on City-Owned Property.
June - Website is launched for the Proposed Biogas Renewable Generation Project at the Scholl Canyon Landfill.
2010 - present
2010 - present