What are the Alternatives?
The City of Glendale established its Zero Waste Policy in 2010 and committed to operating a clean, high-tech, and integrated waste...

Community Outreach to Mitigate False Accusations
As the EIR review process progresses, the amount of misinformation — sometimes intentional, sometimes just ill-informed — intensifies....

Q&A: Latest Scholl Canyon Landfill News
Regarding the EIR For The Expansion Of The Landfill 1. What Is The Status Of The EIR? We are continuing to review the written responses...

Glendale Exploring New Renewable Energy Sources
May 2016 Since 1994, the Scholl Canyon Landfill has played an integral role in Glendale’s energy portfolio. The construction of a five...

Setting the Record Straight: Scholl Canyon Landfill Power Project and More
1. Why aren't you placing more emphasis on harnessing solar and wind power alternatives? Isn't it your goal to reduce harmful fossil...

A Response to Misinformation
In early January the city became aware of a local homeowner’s group newsletter published “…perhaps as early as Tuesday January 26, 2016,...

Draft EIR for Scholl Canyon Landfill
The City of Glendale (City), acting as the Lead Agency, had determined that an Environmental Impact Report (EIR) was required to address...
Click the Link More Information: Renewable Energy Development Op-Ed: Separating myth and reality at Scholl Canyon Op-Ed: More information...